Music and Instrumental Program


At St Bernard's we offer an extensive Music and Instrumental Music program with all students being able to take part in programs from as early as Prep. 

​​In addition to those subjects listed in the curriculum for St Bernard’s, the following programs are offered to children: 

No additional tuition fees or costs.

  • ​Singing Club - 25min session once a week.

These activities are offered on a user pays system.

  • Instrumental Music

    • Piano (Prep to year 6) - one lesson per week 

Details about our Instrumental Music Program are available, upon request from Reception or​ via email​ 

Performances and Concerts

St Bernard's members of the choir and instrumental music programs additionally perform at a range of concerts and performances throughout each year.

School events

  • School Open Days
  • School Liturgies and Celebrations
  • St Bernard's School Fete
  • Christmas Concerts

Interschool or External events

  • ​Catholic College Music Festival (CCMF)