Our Mission and Vision


Your Light Guides​

St Bernard’s S​chool, founded by the Sisters of St Joseph, shares in the educational mission of the church as part of St Bernard’s Parish.

Our Vision​​

We are a community of faith, compassion, and service, living lives that show God’s love to all. 

© BCE, St Bernard's School (2024)

Our Mission

In our words and actions, we strive to:


Live our faith by seeing Jesus in every face we meet

Be compassionate to the needs of our students, staff and community

Be stewards of service, helping those in need 

​​​Our School Motto

Our school motto – Your light guides, describes both the illuminating path to eternal life as shown to us by our Lord Jesus Christ, as well as the guiding light of knowledge.

Our school has adopted the following Behaviour Expectations as part of our Behaviour Support and pastoral care initiatives.  All children learn about BERNI’s and we ask all families to be familiar with them and discuss them with their children.

Be Respectful - We welcome, we belongSt Bernards Church.JPG

Be Safe - We look after each other

Be your Best- We are encouraged, known and nurtured

© BCE, St Bernard's School (2025)

Acknowledgement of Country

St Bernard's School acknowledges the Traditional Custodians of the land on which we pray, play and learn today, the Yuggera and Turrbal people. We praise and pay respect to their Elders past, present and emerging. May we honour and continue the care and love they show, to ensure a sustainable and love filled future for our world.​