St Bernard's promotes contemporary learning and teaching through the use of online technologies. Our students and teachers use desktop, laptop and tablet computers to support our implementation of the Australian Curriculum. They collaborate, create and investigate with these devices to develop skills as information seeker, analyser, evaluator , problem solver and decision maker. They use a variety of programs to create ways in which to communicate their findings and become publishers of their own work.
The 1:1 Laptop initiative is an exciting opportunity to provide "anywhere-anytime learning" for our students and to develop the ICT capabilities that are required for students to be confident and competent digital citizens.
“Coding is engaging and empowering. It’s a necessary 21st Century skill.” – Jan Cuny, Program Officer, National Science Foundation
Being able to write computer code and understand basic programming allows people to have creative power over their computers. It’s the 4th literacy and will be an emphasis of the new Digital Literacy strand of the Technology Learning area of the Australian Curriculum. At St Bernard's our students use sites such as and
Scratch to develop their understanding of computer language. These skills enable the students to program coding applications such as Lego WeDo 2.0 and EV3 Lego Mindstorms robots.
All students and Parents that utilise any ICLT resources agree to abide by our conditions of use policy:
St Bernards - Conditions of Use of Computer and Internet Resources Consent Form