At St Bernard’s, we endeavour to make a quality Catholic education accessible to children whose families desire such an education for them and who meet our enrolment criteria.
Our fees and levies are reviewed annually and represent the actual costs associated with providing high quality teaching staff, excellent classroom and sports facilities, up-to-date educational technology and important extra-curricular school experiences.
For Full Fee Paying Students (FFPOS) please contact St Bernard's school finance via email.
With the assistance of Brisbane Catholic Education, we have restructured our fee payments for the 2024 school year. This has seen a reduction in the number of different levies charged, the inclusion of book packs, basic class photo pack for each child and excursions in the school fees, the elimination of subscription levies and a clear IT Levy from Prep-Year 6, enabling the purchase of iPads for Prep – Year 2 and Computers for Year 3-6.
© BCE, St Bernard's School (2023)
Fees and Levies
School Fees (Includes Tuition fee, Student Levies, Book Packs, Basic School Photos, Excursions, Capital Levy, P&F Levy)
$ 4398
$ 5668
$ 6670
Total (per year) |
$ 2928
Year Level Charges
| IT Levy
| $440
Year 1
| IT Levy
| $440
Year 2
| IT Levy
| $440
Year 3
| IT Levy
| $440
Year 4
| IT Levy
| $440
Year 5
| IT Levy and School Camp
| $850
Year 6
| IT Levy and School Camp
| $850
Music Charges
Band Yr 3 +
$540 |
Instrument Hire (from School)
$200 |
Strings Instrumental tuition Yr 1+
$640 per year + equipment*
Piano Year 1 to 6 ten individual lesson per term $400
| $1600 per year |
Music Charges - Minimum commitment 6months - paid on first month fees, each semester
Payment of accounts
Fees are termly, (4 per year) from February to November.
School Fees and Levies Policy and Procedures
Ready Reckoner
Payment is due by the middle of each month or date shown on your monthly statement.
Preferred Method of Payment is by Direct Debit from a Bank Account or a Credit Card
Payments can also be made by BPay, BPoint, EFT, Cheque or Cash
When sending payment to the school office with your child, please place in an envelope marked SCHOOL FEES and FAMILY NAME.
Families who are experiencing genuine financial hardship regarding fee payments are asked to contact the Principal, Mr Dan Hodge , to discuss the matter ... Ph 07 3849 4800.